To quote my good friend and co-worker, Hollie, “Babies Are Gross.” Don’t get me wrong, I love my son dearly, but my sweet ball of germs was sick last weekend, which of course means I was also sick by Monday evening.
So, for anyone wondering what happened to me after my big intro last week – daycare, daycare happened.

Snot and snuggles. You win some, you lose some, right?
I had intentions of writing one, if not two, well-researched posts and getting another interview under my belt. However, the best laid plans are ruined by toddlers and head colds, and these few paragraphs are all I’ve been well enough to muster in the evening outside of work.
Tonight is the first night since Monday I’ve been upright after 8:00 PM, so I am hoping to be back in working condition for the weekend. For someone who correctly or incorrectly derives a lot of self-worth from being productive, being sick is mental torture. However, I am trying my best to not put pressure on myself to write something when I really just need the time to recover (this is a really easy reference to “should-ing on myself” that I just couldn’t help but use…) so I can enjoy a full weekend with my family.
So, this short, but ironic post is all I have to offer in week two. As much as we want to try to do it all, sometimes the universe just has its ways of making us slow down and appreciate the sweet relief of NyQuil. All another week in the life of a working Mom, huh?
Here’s to a more productive and less congested last week of June!