Five Podcasts for the Sports Biz Mom

Remember me? Thought I already gave up on this didn’t you?  Between work and some planned personal travel, August has been a whirlwind. After much internal chiding, I decided to give myself a break in producing content for a few weeks.  I wouldn’t be following my own advice if I didn’t take a step back to reset and I really didn’t want to force it and send myself down the anxiety spiral.  Instead, today, I am going to share someone else’s content.  I’ve been listening to a lot of Podcasts over the past year and I wanted to share some of my favorite shows related to professional development. So, here are Five Podcasts for the Sports Biz Mom (or really anyone…)

1. Akimbo

One of my co-workers recommended Seth Godin’s Daily Blog nearly two years ago and I’ve been hooked ever since.  When I heard he was launching podcast, I knew this was going to be a good one – and it has lived up to all of my expectations.  To quote his website, “Akimbo’s a podcast about our culture and how we can change it.  About seeing what’s happening and choosing to do something.”

Seth is one of my favorite people to read/listen to when I need to reset and boost my motivation.  In fact, one of my all-time favorite quotes comes from Seth’s October 2016 blog post “On being irriated”.  I set a reminder in my email once a month to re-read this post (seriously, I’ve been doing this for two years) and that day it pops up is usually one when I’ve been feeling especially slighted or entitled.  As soon as I read, “Irritation is a privilege.”, I’m immediately knocked back into reality and given a much needed dose of perspective.  I’ve also said “Irritation is a privilege.” to my husband multiple times and received my fair share of eye rolls…

2. She Innovates with Michelle King

She Innovates shares the stories, challenges, and triumphs of women across innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship.  Its creator, Michelle King, currently leads the UN Women’s Global Innovation Coalition for Change and is an Advisory Board member for Girl Up, the United Nations Foundation’s adolescent girl campaign. I just found this podcast a few weeks ago, and I have being listening non-stop ever since.  She has incredibly accomplished guests and their insights are valuable not only to Sports Biz Moms, but to anyone in business.   These are my two favorite episodes thus far:

3. SBJ/SBD Morning Buzzcast

Brought to you by the team at the Sports Business Journal, the SBJ/SBD Morning Buzzcast is a nice, quick, daily update on the latest happenings in sports business.  The episodes are only five minutes, so it’s a great thing to listen to in the car or as you get ready in the morning.   I love that it keeps me up to date on industry trends and sparks ideas for topics to learn more about or write about here!

4. WorkLife with Adam Grant

WorkLife is a TED original pod

cast led by the aforementioned Adam Grant, who is an organizational psychologist and the top-rated professor at the Wharton School of Business, as well as a member of Fortune’s 40 Under 40.  Each episode of WorkLife takes you inside a different, and unusual, workplace to help us discover better ways to work. One of his most memorable episodes for me was his first, How to Love Criticism.  This one will change how you think about giving and receiving negative feedback – which is such a crucial factor for professional success.   The episode focuses on the idea of “radical transparency”, and while frightening, it made me think about what would change in my own workplace if we operated in the same fashion.

5. How I Built This

How I Built This with Guy Raz highlights the origin stories of some of the world’s best known companies.  I find it fascinating to hear how the founders of companies like Lululemon, Rent the Runway, Chipotle, LinkedIn, etc. got their businesses off the ground and it’s such a great reminder that all great things start small.  Even if you have no plans of ever becoming an entrepreneur, there’s a lot to learn from the stories of his guests and I’ve found it gives me a newfound appreciation for some of my favorite brands.


Do you have a favorite podcast that’s not on this list? I’d love to hear your recommendations in the comments.  I’m always looking for a new voice to add to the rotation.

On a final note, I have spent the last few weeks putting the final touches on some awesome new interviews and lining up future conversations.  The next two months will feature some inspiring Sports Biz Moms and I can’t wait to share them with you.

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